SportConX is powered by EBOS, an Event Based Operating System. We have created a unique experience whereby SportConX facilitates the creation, discovery, streaming, chatting, learning and cataloging of sporting events.
We have Pro Athletes that can provide their insight on how a Skill should be learned. You can join a Protege Event and then upload your video to ask a SportConX Pro to review it. You can also search for instructional videos by the Pro. Good instruction is good instruction and so we have archived a ton of video for you to help you reach your inherent athletic ability! Are you a Pro and want to create your own video library? Our video team can help you.
Email us at
Junior Club and League programs also benefit using SportConX. SportConXs event engine allows Coaches to specify what the practice plan is, what instructional videos need to be watched, how many points were scored in a drill, who won a mini-game, and more. Leagues can setup their fantasy games (email to learn) as well as determine Team ratings for enhanced rank stacking. Recruiters and Parents can message the Coach and ask them to stream the practice. Since we are an early company, we unfortunately cannot enable Stream for the entire world today (but that may change quickly). Hence, please email at least 24-hours before your event so that we can enable your broadcast. Are you a Club Director and want to create your own general practice template so that your army of Coaches are in lock step with your vision?
Email us at
We want to hear from you! If there is a feature or something is just not working the way you like it, please let us know. We are constantly building and love to make the App the best it can be.
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We also give back! SportConX through the USF ( is here to help the underprivileged athlete connect with the right people so that their athletic talent can finally be seen world-wide. USFs Team SportConX program creates Teams based on their SportConX Rating and helps them compete at a higher level. Athletes who make it into the program are then awarded scholarships to help them achieve their goals. USF also works with Schools and if participating Schools sign up their Sports to use the SportConX App, we give back a portion of our revenue based on the number of Users. Want to be a part of the USF?
Email us at
We hope you enjoy the SportConX App!